
hiring a home health care worker after a stroke

How to Know When It's Time for You to Seek Help with Caring for Your Parent

When your senior parent begins experiencing health problems, mobility issues, or symptoms of memory loss, you may naturally begin to visit your parent more frequently to help them with various tasks. This is a common thing for an adult child to do for their parent, but there may come a point when caring for your parent is just too much for you to handle. At this point, it might be time for you to hire a company to provide services to offer some relief for you. Here are several signs that can help you know if now is the right time to hire assistance.

You Are Neglecting Other Things in Your Life

One sign that you should look for is if you are beginning to neglect other things in your life due to the time, work, and efforts it requires to care for your parent. If you have given up being involved in community organizations or are now taking fewer hours at your job, you might be ready to hire someone to help you with your parent's daily needs. Another example is if you can no longer keep up with your own housework, cooking, and other home responsibilities. If you are starting to neglect these types of things, it could be a good sign to help you understand that you cannot handle all of these things right now.

You Feel Tired, Overwhelmed, and Burdened

A second sign to look for involves the way you feel. Do you constantly feel tired and overwhelmed? Does the thought of returning to your parent's house leave you feeling burdened or even resentful? It is not good to feel this way towards your parent and the duties you must complete for them, which is why these are good signs to help you know that you cannot handle being your parent's only caregiver any longer. It may be beneficial for your relationship with them in the long run to decrease the levels of codependence between you. 

Your Parent's Needs Are Greater Than What You Can Handle

Another factor to consider is the needs your parent has. If your parent keeps needing more and more, and if you cannot handle or provide the things your parent needs, the best thing you could do is hire it out to a company that offers senior care services.

If you are ready to make the call, contact a company that offers in home care services today to learn more about how they can help both you and your parent during this challenging time.

About Me

hiring a home health care worker after a stroke

When my dad had a stroke, I decided to bring him to live with me while he worked to recover. This was a decision that was not made lightly because I have a full-time job and two kids to care for. The only way I was going to be able to help my dad recover would be to hire a home health care worker to assist me with his needs. It has been about six months since my dad had his stroke and he has come a very long way. My blog will show you what progress can be made and how helpful a home care worker can be for your family.

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